Parish Priest
Fr Zbigniew Zieba (Fr Ziggy)
Fr Ziggy was ordained in 1996 in Poland. After a year of pastoral work in a parish, he was sent for further studies in the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He came to England in 2001 and started his pastoral work in Hexham and Newcastle diocese, ministering as the assistant priest in the parishes in Peterlee, Shotton Colliery, and Hutton Henry, and then as the priest in charge in St. Bede’s and St. Mary’s Parishes in Stockton-on-Tees.
In 2006 he has begun his pastoral ministry in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, working in St. Osburg’s church in Coventry, and then in 2007 as the member of formation staff in St. Mary’s College, Oscott, Birmingham. He was then appointed the parish priest of Blessed Dominic Barberi, Littlemore in 2019. He is a priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Fr. Ziggy holds an M.A degree in Theology from the Catholic University of Lublin, and the Licentiate in Biblical Studies (S.S.L.) degree from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and the Ph.D. from Durham University in biblical theology. The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education of the Holy See at Rome has recognised the canonical effects of the Ph.D. He also studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and L’École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem. He has been a lecturer in Old Testament Studies and biblical Hebrew at St. Mary’s College, Oscott since 2007. He has written a number of articles on the subject. He is a member of the Society for Old Testament Study and the Catholic Biblical Association of America.
His interests include the Ancient Near Eastern literature and languages, Harley-Davidson, playing the bass guitar, and he is a keen koi hobbyist. He is a sensei with the 3rd Dan black belt in Kyokushin karate.
Former Parish Priests of Bl. Dominic Barberi
John K. Hancock 2000 – 2019
Patrick A. Armstrong 1982 – 2000
John Murray 1981 – 1982
John F. Ellis 1977 – 1981
Lawrence Hogarty (Canon) 1968 – 1977
Neil Smith 1960 – 1968