Mass Times

The Blessed Dominic Barberi Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday Vigil:           6.00 pm

Sunday:                      11.00 am

For the Weekday Mass please refer to the current Newsletter.

Mass on Holy Days of Obligation. Mass times 9.00 am, and 7.00 pm.

Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: a half hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction after 9.00am Mass on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday in the church and on Friday in Newman’s chapel.

Holy Hour and Benediction for vocations on the first Wednesday in the month at 7.45 -8.45pm.

Morning and Evening Prayer of the church and the Rosary daily in the Newman College Chapel.

Confessions after Saturday morning Mass by request and at 5.15-5.45 pm. 

Sadly, for reasons of security the church is not normally open.

Reading and Prayerof the Church for every day.